Oracelle on Values

Our values are what we consider to be morally or ethically justifiable. They refer to actions, character traits or even ideals to which we aspire. Values provide a basis and an anchor - for oneself and for others , a point to which one can always return.

Oracelle Agency
On boundaries

Boundary setting and holding is essential - maybe the most essential thing you can do to become and be exactly the person you want to be.
But many of us don't know what boundaries are, how to set them, or that we all need them at all.

Annika Brix
oracelle for MBFW

Since the Relaunch & Rebranding of the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin to MBFW - operated by fashion savvy creative production agency NOWADAYS, oracelle is responsible for all communications & channels of the accessible fashion week platform - and we love it!
